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How to De-stress and Sharpen Your Mind by Playing Solitaire

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HOW TO DE-STRESS AND IMPROVE YOUR IQ BY PLAYING SOLTARIATE People have enjoyed playing solitaire for hundreds of years. You would think they were just killing time, but playing solitaire has a number of cognitive advantages. It doesn’t matter if you’re playing spider, klondike solitaire , or freecell solitaire; they all offer similar mental benefits.

So let’s examine these benefits in more detail.

KEEP YOUR MINDFULNESS SHARP. Jigsaw puzzles, solitaire, and crossword puzzles have long been popular pastimes for seniors who want to keep their minds sharp. Those games are what are referred to as brain training games (BTG) , even though players may not have noticed it while playing. Your strategic muscles will get stronger and your overall cognitive function will improve if you play games like solitaire.

YOU CAN DE-STRESS WITH SOLARITAIRE Your mind is constantly awake when you are anxious. Your mind is still racing, and it’s difficult to stop it. Many people nowadays experience anxiety, and they have developed a range of coping mechanisms. Undoubtedly one of the most popular methods is meditation. Simple breathing exercises might help you calm your mind when meditating. By doing these breathing exercises, you train your mind to concentrate only on your breath and to filter out all other thoughts.

While playing solitaire, some people experienced the same emotion. Solitaire is challenging enough to keep you thinking, but not too challenging that it gets boring to play.

RECHARGE THE BATTERIES IN YOUR MIND Playing Solitaire can have the same calming impact as watching TV or binge-watching your favorite show on Netflix, which is what some people do to relax. When you watch television, your mind is only minimally occupied, and you aren’t worrying about all the issues in daily life. When playing solitaire, the same might be accurate. Your mind is occupied while playing the game to the extent that you won’t worry about other problems, but it isn’t stimulated to the extent that you’ll feel exhausted afterward.

A GOOD WAY TO DE-STRESS AFTER A STRESSFUL DAY IS TO SOLTAILOR. People may get relaxation from playing solitaire. By concentrating the mind on a single issue, attention calms the mind. When you are in this state of light meditation, your body automatically relaxes more and any tension leaves it. This not only gives you comfort, but it also improves your sleep, which enables you to make wiser decisions in day-to-day life.

AVOIDING BORING You’ve surely learned that you’ll get agitated eventually if you’re in a situation where you’re bored. It turns out that we humans detest boredom. Boredom is less of a concern these days than it earlier was. One of the most well-known people who avoided boredom by playing solitaire is Napoleon. In 1814, he was banished to St. Helena, a little island in the center of the Atlantic. According to tradition, he spent most of his day playing solitaire because he had nothing else to do.

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