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5 Ideas for Increasing Immune Function While Living in a Dorm It is more crucial than ever to maintain your health in the middle of a pandemic. A life-threatening respiratory infection that follows COVID-19 infection is far more likely to occur in those with underlying medical disorders and weakened immune systems.

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Everyone should increase their immune system during these times, but it’s crucial for individuals who live in small spaces, like college students who live in cramped dorms. It’s reasonable to say there are a lot of bodies crammed into a tiny amount of space, with as many as four or more people crammed into a small room, sleeping piled on bunk beds down the hall and across each floor of the dormitory.

This makes adhering to the official public health and safety recommendations quite difficult.

How, for instance, do you maintain a six-foot social space securely when your mattresses are only a few feet apart and restrooms are shared by everyone?

Many institutions are aware of this issue and have, as a precaution, temporarily closed their campus dorms. However, students who are planning to reside on campus in the fall should strengthen their immunity by according to these five suggestions.

IMPROVE YOUR BODY’S PERFORMANCE WITH SUPPLEMENTS Stocking up on vitamins and minerals that can offer your body a natural boost is one of the finest methods to enhance your immune system. The following are some of the top supplements you can use to improve your biological defense against dangerous pathogens:

C vitamin Nutrition D Zinc Mineral Echinacea Garlic and turmeric Old-fashioned Cordyceps A lion’s mane You can buy immune gummies instead of buying each of these things separately because it combines many of these elements into a single delightful treat that is ideal for year-round support. With an at home IV in Baltimore and other cities, there are other ways to obtain immune-boosting vitamins. Without having to leave your house, an IV therapy provides hydrated fluids and vitamins that can maintain a healthy immune system.

FOLLOW A HEALTHY, CLEAN DIET While taking supplements is really beneficial, it’s equally critical to focus on the normal items you include in your diet. During this quarantine period, it is vital to maintain a routine with good eating because some foods offer greater immune-boosting characteristics than others.

Generally speaking, aim to include nutrient-rich staples in your diet, such as leafy greens, which are known to have a lot of antioxidants that can fight free radicals. Foods that naturally contain vitamins and minerals that are helpful for your health are also available, such as vitamin C from citrus fruits and selenium from almonds.

Additionally, you want to make an effort to stay away from processed foods because they may increase your risk of being sick by raising your blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Despite the fact that many college students want to try new things at this stage of their lives, remember that alcohol has been shown to depress the immune system, in addition to the additional health risk associated with attending parties in closed-in houses with a large number of guests. It could be best to postpone your social activities (as well as your drinking) until things calm down or a vaccination is made available.

TO MAINTAIN A STRONG HEALTH, EXERCISE As you become used to college life, it may be challenging to find time to exercise, but doing so will not only help you avoid the dreaded Freshman 15, but it will also keep your respiratory and cardiovascular systems in good shape.

Exercise causes your heart to beat and your blood to flow, distributing nutrient-rich red blood cells and attacking white blood cells in the process. Additionally, it improves your aerobic capacity, or how well you use your lungs, which may be especially beneficial if you contract the coronavirus because it may help prevent respiratory illnesses.

PROVIDE YOUR BODY WITH LOTS OF REST Another thing that is sometimes difficult to come by in college is sleep, but getting less than the required eight hours of rest every night can also significantly impair your immune system. You are more vulnerable to stress when you don’t get enough sleep, and stress has been shown to erode immunity when it occurs frequently. By getting to bed at a reasonable hour each night, you may give your body a fighting chance. You should also make sure to catch up on missing sleep on the weekends.

PRACTICE HEALTHY HABITS Last but not least, make sure you adhere to all the advised hygiene procedures, such as often washing your hands and covering your face if you can’t keep social distance. Carry sanitizer with you anytime you’re in public and regularly wipe communal surfaces with antibacterial wipes .

By keeping these suggestions in mind, you’ll increase your chances of staying healthy in the dorms and fully savoring your college experience.

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