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Procrastination Domination: College Study Advice for the Final Minute

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You started studying for your huge test or assignment two hours before it was due, and now you’re scrambling to memorize everything or scribble down sentences that at least vaguely make sense.

Procrastination among college students is here.

Whether you want to admit it or not, I’m sure you’ve experienced anxiety when you’ve had to scramble for a test because there was simply never enough time to squeeze in one more study session.

I got it… In college, procrastination is REAL, and I was a complete victim of it for a while.
Despite my best efforts, I still struggle with procrastination, but I have discovered some excellent time management strategies.

I’ve also learnt how to take advantage of the procrastinating circumstances I put myself in. Even though I strongly advise against doing anything at the last minute, I mastered this skill while a college student, and I know you’ll need some advice to get you through it.

So here they are: my successful last-minute study advice for college students that procrastinate!
P.S. I’ve written a few pieces explicitly regarding studying, so be sure to read those and apply the advice there.

ASK YOUR PROFESSOR FOR ADVICE This is an easy one. The cues may come in the shape of a study guide, points made in class, or definitions or phrases they want you to be familiar with.

Your cheat sheet for organizing a quick study session is this list of “hints.” You won’t strive to memorize everything; instead, you’ll focus on the key ideas and take in as much of it as you can.

SKIM THE TEXT ACCURATELY So many college students put off reading tasks, and by the time a test comes around, they have not finished the whole thing.

Although some chapters can be very time-consuming, they might contain very vital information.
You won’t have enough time to read the text word by word, so try this strategy instead:

Read a paragraph’s first two sentences. Read a paragraph’s last two sentences. Note any bold text or significant keywords. Make a brief summary, then move on to the next. Even if you don’t have time to write down the brief summary because you REALLY procrastinated, you’ll at least have a general understanding of what was discussed in the reading.

RENEW, RENEW, RENEW Write down any pertinent information and then read it aloud to yourself at least seven times if you know that definitions or important terms will be on your test.

Do you have any additional time? Instead, rephrase what you wrote. You’ll be more likely to remember the knowledge for a longer amount of time and should comprehend it better.

USE IMAGES If you learn best visually, try making a simple timeline or chart to help you arrange the information that will be tested on.

By doing this, you’ll aid your brain in visualizing the connections between numerous data, thereby sparking a memory that will assist you correctly identify material while you’re taking the test.

For instance, if you were to create a mind map or chart, the major thought would be at the center, and minor ideas would branch out from it. As a result, rather than having to read a complete chapter, a psychology student studying psychoanalysis can now use the branches to recall relevant theorists, brain activities, and well-known experiments.

Think of it as summarizing through art!
FIRST AND FOREMOST, SET YOUR HEAD STRAIGHT. You cannot undo how much time you spent delaying.

Whether you’re ready for the test you’re about to take or not, it will still happen, so you may as well make the most of your preparation.

Here are some strategies to counteract the damaging effects that procrastination has on the brain in college students:

Consume a nutritious and healthful dinner. (It’s likely that you won’t be focused on the test if you’re hungry) Practice inhaling for eight counts and exhaling for four counts (at least five times through) Declare to yourself, “I’ll try my best. I can recall this details. I am competent. (Thinking positively goes a long way) What are your biggest obstacles to getting things done?

There’s nothing shameful about it. Everybody has been there. If it’s okay with you, please share your opinions in the comments section. You could discuss your difficulties, how you’re handling them, or anything else!

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