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What Students Need to Know Before Finishing College

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WHAT STUDENTS NEED TO KNOW PRIOR TO GRADUATING FROM COLLEGE For many students, completing college is a significant milestone. It not only signifies the conclusion of a four-year (plus or minus) trip, but also the start of careers, professional pathways, and chances to become a “true” adult.

Some students view their college graduation as a moment to celebrate because they believe that holding a diploma that lists their educational accomplishments should be sufficient to enable them to establish a secure existence. Would that it were that simple.

Things Students Should Know Before Graduating College | Getting your college degree is great, but learning life skills is even more important. Here are my college tips to help students better prepare for adult life. Click through to read more!

As you can see, there is a lot more happening after graduation. The ins and outs of the field you are interested in will be covered in your college classes, but there are many other topics that will either be skimmed over or ignored entirely, leaving you to navigate adulthood on your own.

Let me be clear: However, I can’t help but feel that I would have been better off if they had taught me some other things before I was done. I think that professors and schools do a great job of teaching the material that is necessary to get a college degree, as well as providing awesome support and resources that you probably wouldn’t get elsewhere.

for instance

HOW IMPORTANT ARE CONNECTIONS AND NETWORKING REALLY? I believe that many students leave college believing that they would be able to get employment in their field of study with ease just because they have a credential to their name. Yes, the additional credentials are helpful, but the truth is that there are many recent grads competing for the same positions as you in the labor market at the same time.

Even though many institutions provide excellent networking opportunities, it would be beneficial for students to take a course on networking and making relationships with the business world before they graduate from college. I can picture students studying:

How to connect with people on LinkedIn locating conferences and events that are pertinent to each student’s major How to communicate with experts in the field networking protocol When it came time for them to enter the workforce, students may have a good base of contacts to call out to if they spent a little more time developing strong professional ties.

ESSENTIAL LIFE SKILLS REQUIRED AFTER GRADUATING FROM COLLEGE Things Students Should Know Before Graduating College | Getting your college degree is great, but learning life skills is even more important. Here are my college tips to help students better prepare for adult life. Click through to read more! One of the most crucial factors that contributes to adult success is overlooked because so much time is devoted to learning the curriculum and creating research projects: life skills.

Many pupils pick up life skills from their parents, however there are many young adults who still don’t fully understand ideas like:

fiscal management (including paying off student loans ) homes at a reasonable cost Keeping to your means developing credit Prior to graduating from college, students should investigate careers and expected earnings in order to create a budget based on that pay. Online calculators can be used to calculate the amount of taxes that will be withheld from each paycheck based on an estimated salary estimate, as well as student loan installments ( Paycheck City is a great resource for this).

USE THE SKILLS YOU’VE LEARNED IN A CREATIVE MANNER It appears that there is an underlying presumption that if you major in journalism, you must work as a journalist or reporter. The same may be said for a variety of majors, but the reality is that by graduating from college, you’ve learned a ton of new abilities that can be put to use in more situations than you can think.

Though it may seem obvious, the best course of action is to get employment in an area related to the degree you have chosen. However, if your interests are diverging, don’t be afraid to get inventive and apply your talents to find employment in a different industry. For instance, a large number of psychology graduates fill consultancy positions in the business world. In addition, rather of working in a lab, a statistics major can end up working in the press box at a major league athletic event.

The main goal is to not undersell oneself. It’s likely that you can utilize your degree far more than you initially anticipated!

BE THE CHANGE IF YOU WANT TO SEE CHANGE Things Students Should Know Before Graduating College | Getting your college degree is great, but learning life skills is even more important. Here are my college tips to help students better prepare for adult life. Click through to read more!

This may be the most crucial concept for students to grasp before they graduate from college. We frequently prioritize our wants over those of others since we live in a very egocentric culture. We frequently wonder how we might assist those we see struggling on a daily basis, but instead we expect that someone else will step up to the plate or raise their voice to demand change.

We must abandon that way of thinking.

A person must first transform himself if they wish to see the world change. All it takes to bring about change is a straightforward act of compassion or the courage to stand up and say something.

The world needs college graduates, and everyone else for that matter, to understand that one person can make a difference!

Other things college graduates should be aware of Life isn’t always fair, but it doesn’t mean you should give up. Know what resources are available in your area and keep a list handy just in case. Make a list of dependable local contractors that can conduct house upgrades in case something fails and you are unable to fix it. Realize the importance of health insurance and how to ensure you have adequate coverage You’re next! What more might you put on this list?

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